Afghanistan war: Tracking the killings in August 2019

BBC reported:

An average of 74 men, women and children were killed every day in Afghanistan throughout the month of August, the BBC has found.


The findings show unrelenting violence affects almost the entire country as US negotiations to withdraw after 18 years of war are in disarray.

We confirmed 611 security incidents in which 2,307 people died.

Both the Taliban and Afghan government have questioned the validity of the casualty figures identified by the BBC.

Most people killed were combatants – including more Taliban fighters than expected – but a fifth were civilians.

A further 1,948 people were injured.

The casualty toll is just a snapshot of the situation on the ground in Afghanistan. However, it paints a bleak image as US President Donald Trump looks to fulfil a key foreign policy aim and withdraw American troops.

Just more than a week ago, President Trump cancelled year-long peace negotiations between the Taliban and United States, although a return to talks is not ruled out.

A ceasefire, however, was never on the table, and hundreds of Afghans are still dying each week. There are fears that violence will worsen ahead of presidential elections due at the end of the month.

To learn how the BBC collected its data in August, scroll to the end.