Afghanistan: 1,000 civilians killed since Taliban takeover


A UN report says Afghans are struggling to access medical and psychosocial help due to a sharp drop in donor funding since the Taliban took power in Kabul.

More than 1,000 Afghan civilians have been killed in bombings and other violence since the Taliban took over in 2001, according to the UN.

In a report released on Tuesday, the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) said there were 3,774 civilian casualties, which includes figures for those who died as well as those who were injured.

According to the UN, there were 1,095 civilian deaths in the country, between mid-August 2021 and May 2023.

Among the deceased were 92 women and 287 children.

The number of deaths has falledn sharply compared to the period before the Taliban seized power — more than 3,035 civilians were killed in 2020 alone, according to UN estimate