South Sudan: UN says over 150 women, girls raped in 12 days

More than 150 women and girls have come forward in the past 12 days to seek help in South Sudan after they were raped or suffered other forms of sexual violence, the heads of three UN agencies said on Monday.

Armed men, many in uniform, carried out the attacks near the northern city of Bentiu, according to a joint statement from Henrietta Fore, who heads the UN children’s agency UNICEF, UN aid chief Mark Lowcock and the director of the UN Population Fund, Natalia Kanem.

The three agencies condemned “these abhorrent attacks” and called on South Sudan authorities to ensure the perpetrators face justice.

Doctors Without Borders, known by its French initials MSF, last week said 125 women and girls had been raped while walking to emergency food distribution centres set up by international aid agencies.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned the attacks.

“These horrific acts are a distressing reminder of how, despite recent recommitments by South Sudan’s leaders to a cessation of hostilities and a revitalised peace agreement, the security situation for civilians remains dire, especially for women and children,” he said in a statement.